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GirlTalk Festival: Empowerment & You!

Nannocare Team

Empower, a verb that means to make stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights. What does this mean to you when you read that definition and hear that word?  

For us, here at Nannocare, we know that empowerment is something we not only embody and exude but something that we want to relay to others and give them the support and courage to implement in their lives. We do this through education, philanthropy and overall support of one another in our community and abroad. We work hard to let it crossover into our lives personally and professionally and foster not only the feeling but the ability to turn that into action.

We are always seeking out ways to give back and be involved in projects that resonate with us and translate to our customers and partners. Our mission to maximize life and live it to its fullest all the time is not secluded to a few days a month. This year, we are honored to be a part of GirlTalk Festival in Newport Beach, California! 400 women in attendance will be gifted with our mini multipacks and while they are getting free products, we hope they get more out of it than they could ever imagine. GirlTalk is a movement that we support and hold in high regard for their strength, action and ability to bring so many minds and hearts together. 

(scroll down to read more)

Our pads not only offer comfort and confidence during our periods, but hope and inspiration! Hope that there is something out there that is both healthy and innovative. Inspiration for everyone to do their part and give back in whatever way they can and be involved in a positive way. GirlTalk Festival is a bridge that everyone gets to cross and embark upon a journey of self-discovery, personal development and growth. GirlTalk is about community, independence and reflection; all areas that we at Nannocare constantly embody too. We know that not everyone is the same and that is what we love and value. We want to be a common denominator that can bring people together and have an open and honest discussion about one’s self, period health and being the best version of ourselves.

We invite you to our Nannocare family, share your thoughts and insight with us as we welcome you to a healthier life, period.  

To learn more about GirlTalk Festival and their movement, please visit

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