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How to Overcome and Embrace Your Insecurities

Rebecca Shinn
With the age of social media culture, we are all looking for some sort of approval like retweets and likes by showing away fantastic food, travel, or our bodies. While it may not look so, this often ends up exacerbating the problem that already exists. The question here is – how can we overcome our insecurities?  There are several causes of insecurities. Often, there is a multitude of problems that form the bedrock for all our insecurities. These insecurities often shape the person we become.

Sadly, there are many causes of insecurities. However, there are ways to overcome them. In this article, we will talk about some of these ways. We've put together a series of exciting ideas to help you get started.

Every person in this world has his/her insecurities – while some are better at dealing with them, others hide them well. We often worry about what people would think about us – whether it is about looks, things that we should not do, failing, nice dating ranking, etc. We also tend to worry about how fat we are, whether our potential partner will like us or not, or not being good enough for a job.

With the age of social media culture, we are all looking for some sort of approval like retweets and likes by showing away fantastic food, travel, or our bodies. While it may not look so, this often ends up exacerbating the problem that already exists. The question here is – how can we overcome our insecurities?

There are several causes of insecurities. Often, there is a multitude of problems that form the bedrock for all our insecurities. These insecurities often shape the person we become.

How To Deal With Trust Issues And Insecurities? 

There are several ways of learning how to deal with trust issues and insecurities. Some of them include:

1.   Empathy

People are insecure about different things. Some people have relationship insecurities, while others cannot seem to think that they look good. While some can let go of the insecurities quickly, others cannot do so. The first step towards dealing with your insecurities is understanding what the other person is going through and being empathetic towards them. Even if they are entirely inaccurate, help them understand. Always try to look at things from the other person's perspective.

2.   Look For Manifestations

To deal with your personal insecurities, you need to know and understand when they come up. Insecurities arrive in many different forms. For instance, you may have a friend who thinks that he is not good enough for college; hence, he will be silent around people he has deemed intellectual. You may be obsessed with being popular, and your heart will sink if you are left out of any social activity. These are the signs that can show that your insecurities have started manifesting. Let’s see more causes of insecurities.

3.   Forgive The Past

It is important to understand whether your insecurities stem from your past – it may be a relative criticizing you, etc. In this case, you need to learn to let it go and forgive them. You should understand that they might have been dealing with their own insecurities as well. What they did was wrong, but you need to forgive them so that you can move on. Let your past go slowly.

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4.   Feeling The Weight Of Insecurity

According to insecurities psychology, we often tend to feel some form of discomfort. Often, we end up reacting to it badly instead of dealing with it in some other way. For example, some people deal with insecurities by gossiping about others to their friends. Others will not eat food when he/she is feeling bad about it.

The issue will keep sweeping your mind over and over again. One of the best ways to understand how to handle insecurities is to feel their weight. You need to remind yourself that it makes your heart hurt, and you look into it deeply. To deal with insecurity, you need to take a closer look at the root of the problem. While you will not be able to pass your insecurities immediately, you can honestly talk about them when they arise.

5.   Limit Negative Self Talk

Whatever type of insecurity you have, be it dating insecurities or insecurities based on how you look, etc., insecurities will always have you talking negatively. When you start treating yourself worse, you will really be in trouble. You must notice your insecurities without beating yourself up. You need to talk to yourself rationally.

Do not implicate yourself by saying statements like you are ugly, fat, or stupid. These statements are not accurate and will damage your self-confidence. Words do have weight.

6.   Advice Yourself Like How You Would Advice Others

When your friend is dealing with insecurities, it will fall upon you to impart some wisdom and advice. When you are getting over insecurities, who is to stop you from giving yourself some advice? Yes, this is quite an important step. While you may be more skeptical about your advice's accuracy, your wisdom may be the one that can stop your insecurities from taking over.

7.   Learn To Take A Compliment

Instead of saying 'thank you to the person who is complimenting you, most people tend to disagree or shrug it off. For example, someone says 'Wow! You have worked hard to get yourself six-pack abs', you would most likely respond something like 'No, I did not do much or something like that. Instead, you should learn to say thank you and move on. There is nothing to be embarrassed about. There is no requirement for you to come up with a follow-up statement.

8.   Learn To Let Go

While it is easier said than done, letting go is one of the most important ways to learn how to get over insecurities. What you have done in your past does not define who you are. While these events may have led to your current insecurities, it does not mean that you continue to let it be so. This is a beauty about being honest about your insecurities. Meditation is the best way to learn to let go. You will be surprised by what comes up while meditating; you just need to breathe through it. Let’s now see the last causes of insecurities.

9.   Meeting Your Goals

It does not matter whether your goals are big or small; when it comes to fighting the most common insecurities, you will find that you will feel more secure once you start meeting your goals. You can start by setting small goals like the things you want to change in your life and get them done one by one.

Once you meet these goals, look for new goals and repeat. However, ensure that the goals you set are doable. If you set unreachable or grand goals and do not follow them through, you will feel more disappointed than you already do. Be strategic and realistic when you are setting your goals.

10.   Always Look Your Best

Yes, this point may sound very cliché. However, studies have proven that looking your best will make you feel like your best as well. This means that grooming yourself will make you feel a lot better about yourself. In turn, you will feel not feel under-confident at all. However, you must understand that you do not become obsessed with your appearance. Simply taking a long and nice bath and wearing your favorite pair of jeans and T-shirt, you will feel much better than ever before.

Final Thoughts

Self-improvement is the path you need to choose when you are struggling with your projecting insecurities. Of course, the path may not be easy. But, the key here is to learn to shift your perspective. Take it as an opportunity to learn something new.

When you are dealing with insecurities, you will start becoming more accepting of yourself. In turn, you will learn to love yourself and accept the insecurities of others. All you need to do is take things slow.

What are your thoughts on the causes of insecurities? Let us know in the comments!


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Authors bio:

Rebecca Shinn is a freelance writer and dating and relationship expert with a psychology degree. Her field of expertise is relationship, dating, and marriage. The important part of Rebecca’s practice is to help couples with communication skills, problem-solving skills, stress management, or financial skills.

Rebecca started writing 2 years ago to inspire and help people to have a better dating life, healthy relationships, or find a way to keep a marriage strong for long years.

With all said above, Rebecca is proud to be a mother and a wife so she doesn't only use her knowledge for helping others but keeping her family strong and happy.


NOTE: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Nannocare. Nannocare is not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected with the author of this article, or any of its subsidiaries or its affiliates. 

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